Career Courses

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Many students know what type of degree they want to earn, but have not thought about how they want to use it - or vice versa.The effects of a career development course on career decision-making self-efficacy were investigated. The course was primarily designed to help undecided students with career decision making.

Do you remember leaving school or university and thinking that exams and assessments would be a thing of the past? It doesn't take long to realize that the workplace can be an equally intense and competitive learning environment.

Whether we like it or not, students are constantly being judged on their capabilities and benchmarked against their peers. And, unlike studying for a qualification, the goalposts in the workplace keep moving. This might be because of new technology, customer demand, legislation or simply because there is a new chief executive with a different vision. All these changes invariably have implications for the staff.

Some organizations are good at providing learning opportunities when they can see a direct benefit to the organization. What's offered, however, may not always be in line with what you really want or need for your career. So, if you want to protect your employablity, you need to take charge of your personal development.

We have identified several megatrends courses and software that will certainly have an impact on the types of jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities, and skills needed for students in the future. This big-picture review is meant to help you see how they might affect you, and what you will need to do to prepare for the workplace of tomorrow. So, with this in mind, here are some ways to start thinking about your own learning and development.

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