CATIA stands for Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application. It is a multi- platform CAD/CAM software suite written in C++ programming language. It is widely used CAD/CAM software and is considered as the most powerful and effective knowledge based software.
It was created and developed by Dassault Systems (France), but IBM had the responsibility for its technical marketing.
The applications of CATIA is wide ranging from industries like Aerospace, Automotive, Architecture to Consumer goods, Ship building, Electronics, Medical and Manufacturing.
Since CATIA is PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) software containing all the tools like:
CAD, CAM, CAE. Therefore, applications of CATIA training are found in all industries and companies.
• CATIA is used by NASA to design various space equipment.
• Through the systems engineering approach, CATIA can provide solutions to complex models and innovative product. It was the innovative mind and years of hard work by Francis Bernard that led to the birth of CATIA. CATIA gained the quantum leap in sales when IBM became its distributor.
Heres 3 advantages of CATIA in aerospace composite design and manufacturing and how CATIA can help you to improve your design processes.
Save Time and Money
The CATIA V5 relational design change management capabilities use automatic updates, lessening the impact of changes to the design-to-manufacturing process.
Through automatic updates in the engineering design phase, you don’t have to restart the full design process all over again, allowing you to achieve considerable savings in time and money.
Geometrical Configurations
The geometrical configuration of composite parts can make designing these parts fairly complicated, increasing the risk of errors in design accuracy.
Yet, CATIA Composites Design 3 (CPD) supports the design of numerous composite configurations. CATIA CPD 3 enables you to manage multi-part geometries including core-stiffened parts better than you would with standard composites design solutions.
Productibility Checks
With CATIA, in-depth productibility checking allows users to predict the behaviour of composites across complex surfaces.
For example, users can predict manufacturing problems such as wrinkles and can take action to correct any issues and generate flat patterns. This is important when trying to produce high quality parts while keeping costs down and avoiding wasting time.
Overall, three benefits of CATIA for Composites Design and Manufacturing to help you improve the production of aerospace parts include;
• Save money and time by avoiding restarting the design process with automatic updates
• The ability to manage multi-part geometries better than standard composite design solutions
• Predict the behaviour of composites across complex surfaces and making changes where necessary
See how CATIA can help you to improve your design capabilities with our new eBook ‘Improving Design Capabilities with CATIA Composites Design’.